Who we Are

Starr Ranch is a family owned and operated ranch located on the Central Coast of California specializing in ultra premium wine grape production. The ranch also produces walnuts, a variety of fresh fruit and persimmons.

A thorough search in California led us to the hills of Adelaida where we found a ranch with the potential to produce the ultimate in ultra-premium wine grapes. Like others before us, including Tablas Creek and L'Aventure, we looked long and hard, undertaking a careful investigation, before settling on Paso Robles as our vineyard home in 2000.

Originally from the East Coast, with roots in North Carolina and Connecticut, we were always interested in growing, and our real passion for the earth was first discovered in a challenging vegetable garden in upstate New York. Not exactly sure where this interest would take us, we kept searching. Eventually, we knew we wanted this place and this project.

Skills developed in education and investment banking have been extremely useful in developing our new farming adventure. We're still learning. We'll always be learning; that's one of the most interesting components of the experience. As farmers, we are learning self-reliance and humility in the face of the forces of nature. We're also learning to be good interventionists and creative thinkers. Beyond the challenges and demands of farming are indescribable pleasures: stunning sunsets, star-spangled skies, vineyard strolls, and the sights and sounds of a natural world in which we are the visiting caretakers.

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